TMEIC's utility scale inverters include the latest interconnection technology. The SOLAR WARE 500 is an advanced multilevel inverter system offering up to 500kW, with an operating range of 320 ~ 600 V.
97.7% Efficiency
SOLAR WARE 500 operates at 97.7% maximum efficiency. With high efficiency and robust design, TMEIC can significantly maximize array performance and uptime.
Compact Footprint
This advanced inverter design significantly reduces size, achieving the smallest 500 kW inverter.
Advanced Multilevel Inverter – 56% Switching Loss Reduction
The SOLAR WARE 500 advanced multilevel inverter uses a new circuit topology to create 3 output voltage levels. With this new design, the inverter size has also been significantly reduced, achieving the world's smallest 500 kW inverter, with switching loss reduced by 56%.
Grid connection features include:
Power factor control
Reactive/Active power control
Fault ride through - Voltage ride through (low voltage ride through)
Frequency ride through
TMIEC's proprietary anti-islanding technique utilizes a slip mode frequency shift method